
Google Flutter

Burraq IT solution is an IT institute that provides Google Flutter Training courses in Lahore Pakistan. The first version of Flutter was known as “Sky” and ran on the Android operating system. It was unveiled at the 2015 Dart Developer Summit with the stated intention of being capable of rendering at 120 frames per second. 

During the Google Developer Days keynote in Shanghai in September 2018, Google announced Flutter Release Preview 2, the last major release before Flutter 1.0. On December 4 of that year, Flutter 1.0 was released at the Flutter Live event, marking the first stable version of the framework. On December 11, 2019, Flutter 1.12 was released at the Flutter Interactive event.

Google Flutter Network development tools 

In May 2020, Dart Software Development Kit (SDK) version 2.8 and Flutter 1.17.0 were released with support for the Metal API, which improves performance on iOS devices by around 50%, as well as new Material widgets and network development tools. On March 3, 2021, Google released Flutter 2 during the Flutter Engage online event. This major update brought official support for web apps with the new Canvas Kit renderer and web widgets, desktop app support for Windows, macros, and Linux, and improved Add-to-App APIs. This release also used Dart 2.0, which contained zero sound security, causing many changes and issues with many external packages; however, the Flutter team has included guidelines and tools to mitigate these issues.

Google Flutter Course Details

Google Flutter is UI toolkit for creating beautiful, natively-built built mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase. Flutter revolutionizes the app development process. Using a single codebase, create, test, and publish stunning mobile, web, desktop, and embedded apps. Flutter is a Google open-source framework for creating beautiful, natively built, multi-platform apps from a single codebase.

Reach out to users across all platforms

Distribute to mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase.

Change your workflow through Google Flutter  

Gain control of your codebase with automated testing, developer tooling, and anything else you need to build high-quality applications.

Steady and Reliable

Flutter is endorsed and utilized by Google, is trusted by well-known brands throughout the world, and is maintained by a global developer community.

In this Project, you will complete an activity or scenario by following a set of instructions in an interactive hands-on environment. In contrast to a simulation or demo environment, projects are conducted in a genuine cloud environment and among real instances of various goods.


BITS Training is designed to teach people about information technology. That is the future of the world, and if you want to advance in it, you must learn new technology. BITS Training ensures that more people can benefit from the sessions by offering them online.

Enroll if you believe you will benefit from it. The full course outline for the Google Flutter course is available on the website. We guarantee that it will be a worthwhile learning experience that will be beneficial to your future. It can help anyone who is interested in Google Flutter.


Q: What will I gain if I buy a Project?

By purchasing a Project, you will receive everything you need to finish the Project, including permanent access to any product required to complete the Project.

Q: Can I audit a Project?

Auditing is not available for Projects

Q: Can I download the work from my project after I complete it?

Yes, you can download and save any of your Project-created files. Please save any files and work on your device before leaving the product environment.

  1. Introduction
  2. Introduction To Dart
  3. Setting up Flutter
  4. Introducing Widget
  5. Common Widget in Flutter
  6. Stateless and State ful Widgets- The Concept
  7. Navigating through Navigation
  8. Handling User Input.
  9. User Interface
  10. Asynchronous Functions
  11. Working with Remote Data
  12. Using 3rd Party Packages
  13. Other Useful Widgets
  • Introduction to Flutter- the what’s and The Why’s Play
  • Reason why Dart holds the fort strong. Play
  • Installing Visual Studio Code and the Dart Plugin. Play
  • Installing Dart SDK Play
  • Writing the first Dart Program. Play
  • Downloading/Cloning the Flutter SDK .Play
  • Installing Flutter Plugin within VS Code. Play
  • Understanding the structure of a Flutter Project. Play
  • Building a simple app from scratch. Play
  • Widgets and their role in a Flutter app .Play
  • The Materia Lapp and Scaffold widget. Play
  • App Bar. Play
  • Floating Action Button. Play
  • More widgets – Text, Center and Padding. Play
  • Hot Reload and Hot Restart, the tricks of the trade. Play
  • Recreating the Default Flutter App (UI Only).Play
  • Containers and their role .Play
  • Importing images from a network .Play
  • Importing images as asset .Play
  • Adding icons to widgets .Play
  • Understanding Row and Column .Play
  • List View and List Tile .Play
  • Building views using List View .builder .Play
  • Inkwell and its importance .Play
  • Stateless vs. State ful widgets .Play
  • Defining a ‘State’ .Play
  • The setState() method .Play
  • Returning to the Default Flutter App.Play
  • Navigator and routes.Play
  • Applying push() using MaterialPageRoute.Play
  • Applying pop().Play
  • Declaring parameter-less routes (pushNamed()) in MaterialApp widget.Play
  • Using TextField.Play
  • Handling changes to a TextField.Play
  • Pass retrieved values using Navigator.Play
  • Applying ThemeData.Play
  • The Basic Screen Layout.Play
  • Applying Custom Font.Play
  • The ‘Future’ function.Play
  • ‘async’ and ‘await’.Play
  • The ‘http’ package.Play
  • Model Class and JSON parsing.Play
  • Displaying Remote Data. (NEWS API).Play
  • The ‘url_launcher’ package.Play
  • Adding on Tap() to NEWS API.Play
  • GridView.Play
  • The ‘Hero’ AnimationPlay
  • StackPlay
  • ‘AlertDialog’ with buttons.

Google Flutter

Fee: 15,000
Duration: 1 Month
Timing: 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, 1PM-3PM, 3PM-5PM, 5PM-7PM, 7PM-9PM

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