
How to measure and track the success of an SEO campaign

seo campaign

The SEO campaign has become an essential strategy in the world of the web. It allows it to position itself among the best results of search engines according to the request of the user. 

Why and how to deploy your SEO campaign?


There are several reasons for setting up an SEO campaign. Indeed, 86% of Internet users rely much more on natural results than sponsored results. Likewise, 85% of Internet users click on so-called organic links.

Thus, the implementation of a good SEO strategy is crucial for the visibility of its site, because most Internet users do not go beyond the first page of search results, or even the first three results.

This strategy does not unfold overnight and requires careful analysis to be properly carried out; however, effective SEO guarantees long-term results which translate into a significant number of qualified visits and again in notoriety and credibility of the website and the brand.

As part of the implementation of an SEO campaign, some companies choose to delegate this task to an SEO agency while others manage it internally.

The first option is usually the most advantageous and saves you time. Indeed, by using an SEO agency, you benefit from its expertise. This will provide you with solutions adapted to your needs and you will be entitled to a tailor-made and quality service.

The other advantage is that this structure masters SEO techniques and can thus help you optimize your positioning.

Experts will take care deploying effective methods for better results. Burraq IT Solutions, offers this type of service, in particular, combining advice and the implementation of natural referencing actions (content, media coverage, net linking, etc.)

The deployment of an SEO campaign is an expensive and time-consuming task, it is essential to measure its effectiveness in order to identify areas for improvement.

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The data to collect relating to your SEO campaign

Position on keywords

This indicator allows you to know the ranking of your website in terms of search results and on the basis of a specific keyword. The common goal of all sites is to be at the top of the search engine results page.

It is therefore advisable to carry out frequent checks in order to be able to take rapid action in the event of a decline. Results on a desktop may differ from those on a mobile device, and the geographic location of the web search may also play a role.

Organic and keyword traffic

The volume of visits is also part of the SEO performance indicators. Most young sites have a large share of traffic from Direct, Paid, or Referral sources. Some also combine several sources to quickly gain notoriety.

However, an SEO campaign is essential to have a long-term positioning on strategic requests. Measuring organic traffic will help identify the pages that need to be optimized and those that generate the most traffic.

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User behavior

User behavior incorporates several factors to analyze for tracking your SEO campaign.

  • Rebound rate

Also known as a bounce rate, it refers to the number of visitors who land on your site and leave it immediately after arriving.

This indicator lets you know how attractive your content is. If this rate is high, then you will need to review the relevance of your campaign ad. Several causes can be at the origin of a high bounce rate such as content unsuited to internet users’ requests, a non-user-friendly page, too long a site loading time, inefficient internal meshes, etc.

  • Page per session

This is the average number of page views per session (generally estimated at 2 pages). All website owners would like people to click and visit multiple pages on their site.

This would then mean that they are very interested in the products or services offered. It is estimated that a site averaging 4 pages per session ranks among the best web platforms. In addition, the weakness of pages per session can be explained by poor navigation, uninteresting content, or limited accessibility.

  • Social media sharing

It has become essential to monitor shares on social networks. In fact, the more the shares increase, the more traffic growth is optimized.

This will then result in good positioning in the SERPs. It is important to know that the contents of certain social networks are treated as web pages by search engines. However, there are times when visitors share your content without having read it. For more qualitative data, it would be better to determine whether the content is read before being shared by Internet users.

  • Conversion rate

We talk about conversion when a visitor has become a customer or a lead. This rate corresponds to the ratio (buyers/visitors) multiplied by 100. We thus obtain the percentage of visitors who have carried out a conversion action. Having a great conversion rate is like having a large number of customers compared to the number of visitors.

  • Click rate

This is a relevant index that helps measure the quality of a website. When visitors make multiple clicks on your site, it means that they are interested in your content and are looking to learn more.

However, this indicator is limited because it does not accurately reflect the intention of visitors. In addition, results may also vary depending on the devices used, as it is very rare for smartphone users to consult the second page of the SERPs.

  • Unique visitors

This indicator will allow you to know the number of visitors attracted by your campaign. Thanks to this factor, you obtain data revealing the visit of your site by a new visitor over a given period. In other words, you will know how many times this new visitor has returned to your site. This indicator helps you measure the effectiveness of each phase of your strategy.


Origin of non-search engine traffic

The quality of the backlinks is not to be neglected, because it is thanks to it that the Google engine will be able to consider your site as a reliable and authoritative site.

Indeed, the volume of inbound links is a criterion that greatly determines the popularity and authority of the site. It is important to have quality and relevant backlinks. To track your net linking, you need to check your link attribute ratio, monitor losses in referring domains, and above all check the quality of your backlinks.

Powerful tools for collecting and processing this data

It is certainly important to determine evaluation criteria to monitor and track your SEO campaign. However, having the right tools is also essential. Here are some tools that will allow you to analyze your SEO data.

Google tools

The tools of this search engine are free and offer several features. Among them we can mention:

  • Google Analytics: microdata analysis of your site
  • Test My Site: get an overview of the loading time of your pages
  • Google Search Console: check your indexing
  • Mobile-Friendly: check the compatibility of your site with the mobile

Moz and its browser extension

Moz allows you to analyze your backlinks as well as the authority of a domain. Thanks to its browser extension, you will be able to have a global view of the spam rate of your site and its domain authority at the SERP level.

Screaming Frog

This is an excellent tool with which you can analyze the status of your web pages, duplicate content as well as indexing of your pages. Other on-site and off-site analysis functionalities are also offered by this tool. However, it includes a paid license to access all of its features.


This SEO tool allows you to track your positioning on specific requests. You will also be able to follow the positioning of your competitors. It is a tool that is suitable for small budgets.


This tool is ideal for monitoring your net linking campaigns. It allows you to analyze your backlinks, track the progress of your domain authority, estimate the potential of a keyword, track your positioning, etc.

Interpretation of data: some examples

The data can be interpreted in various ways. Let’s take the example where your site has many visitors (high bounce rate), but the sessions are short. This will mean that your audience is not very qualified and that they are not interested in what you offer on your site.

Another example: a large number of Internet users have clicked on several pages of your site (high click-through rate), but the conversion rate remains low. This means that people are certainly interested in your offers, but they are not engaged.

Also, it can happen that the number of page views on your site is low and the bounce rate high. In this case, it may take a long time to load and users may end up leaving the page for this reason. These results can also reflect a lack of relevance of the content in relation to the interests and requests of your target on search engines.

In addition, it is important to remember that the bounce rate indicates the fact that an Internet user goes to a URL and leaves without visiting another page. In most cases, consulting a product sheet and then leaving implies that the visitor has not bought anything. Therefore, he did not find the relevant product. However, when it comes to looking for specific information (eg a phone number) it is much more normal for a visitor to leave the site after having obtained the information sought.

What data processing will allow

Processing the data amounts to implementing solutions based on the explanations of the results obtained. You will be able to better identify the actions to be taken to boost the visibility of the pages of your site and understand how to better size your content in relation to your target. This analysis via data processing will also be an opportunity to identify any technical malfunctions that may affect your site consultation, as well as the origin of your visitors and their behavior once on your pages.

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